Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of our most frequently asked questions:

(Click a question to find the answer)
A. This is a fair question, but you need to consider the time involved with making 30 or so individual reports for each teacher, which then need to be distributed, shared with the head and possibly other staff.

Each teacher then has to juggle between their reports, and concentrate on avoiding mistakes if they copy and paste common paragraphs between pupils.
A. We are happy to arrange a presentation with a full working demonstration and question session. We are also able to negotiate our rates for larger groups.
A. Whilst we offer an extensive range of parent friendly comments in the program, these can be turned off.

The new program is more about ease and convenience. Teachers occasionally use our comments more as a guide but mostly type 'free hand' into their reports.
A. Report:Assist is a full program that is downloaded onto computers. So it is more secure and reliable than a web based program.

It then securely uses the web to distribute and share reports around your school.
A. You do not need a particularly fast internet connection as the program works on your laptop and updates in the background when possible.

If you lose your connection the program will continue to work and save your data on the computer updating the next time web access is available to it.
A. We are able to offer all of the support you need remotely . We 'set-up' the system for you then staff just download the program once and use a user name and password to access.

It's very easy to make minor changes, and we are always on hand to help with this.

The program itself requires no installation, you can start it from where it has been downloaded or copied to.
A. All of the reports produced in 2019 for example will be stored in a 2019 index which teachers can then access in future years by Pupil or UPN.

If you decided to stop using Report:Assist you can save all of your past reports as PDF or Word documents for future reference.
A. Data is specially encoded before it is saved or leaves the program. We operate to the highest level of encryption (SSL) when moving data over the Internet. Data remains encoded until you reload it into the program.

What our schools are saying...

 It's one more admin task that we no longer need to worry about. 
ICT Coordinator, Tamworth

 Our staff enjoyed using this software very much, a great improvement. Thank you. 
Deputy Head, Taunton

 This has definitely simplified how we report to parents and made it a quick and easy job too! 
Headteacher, Swindon